Help! Best product for keeping babies

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 7, 2013
My guppy is about to give birth and I need to get a net/cage for the babies to be raised in. I'm using a 10 gallon so it can't be anything to big and something I can get off amazon. Not to expensive either. I was just wondering what you guys think is the best product. Thank you!!
My guppy gave birth this morning. Don't know who mum is at all. Just found fry in tank this morning and some getting sucked up in filter/pump. So as quick thinking (before I lost anymore) was to use on old sandwich box clear plastic which floated. I put holes in side and near the bottom at the side. Put my fry In there while I went and got floating breeding box. It worked so I'm happy. Least I didn't lose any more in filter/pump :D
Cover the intake on the filter with a prefilter sponge or some netting, even old panty hose will work. Stops fry from being sucked up.

I have done this. Took an old net and put it over filter. But loads of fish poop and food end up getting clogged round it :(
Yes, that is a problem with covering any filter uptake with net. Sponge prefilters are better, as they absorb a lot of the organics, rather than just clogging up.
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