Help! Cardinal tetras keep dying!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 22, 2020
Hi everyone!

Quick backstory:

I'm quite new to fishkeeping, but I've made an effort to do everything correctly and I've done a lot of research on the right procedures.

I have a ~30gal tank, and after it was fully cycled I added 6 guppies to it, a few weeks ago. The guppies are very happy and have grown a fair bit, and have become very colourful and active. This Saturday, I added 3 Pakistani loaches, 4 assassin snails, and just over 10 cardinal tetras. Ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is between just over 10ppm, the pH is constant at between 7.4 and 7.6 (a bit alkaline I know), and the water in my area is slightly soft. I did a water change the day before getting the fishes (Friday). I also have two airstones and the tank is fairly planted.

OK now onto the problem:

Yesterday night, one of the tetras was floating around vertically, swimming around occasionally. I took him out and quarantined him in a fishbowl with a heater and water from the tank. He floated around, but lived for a bit, then died sometime during the night. His tailfin was mostly destroyed, but the others were fine tail wise.

A few minutes after quarantining that fish, another one started floating vertically and died instantly seconds later. All the tetras stopped schooling. Today, everything was fine and they're schooling again. The loaches and guppies are still happy. Then tonight, another tetra started floating vertically. I took it out and it was already dead, and it had a pretty foul smell. The stomach area was soggy and opened very easily which was weird. The tetras are still schooling. I've attached a pic of the last dead fish, and of the rest of the tetras. Now that I took the pic they actually do look a bit discoloured, but it is 10pm so it might be because it's night time? They otherwise look in good shape (until they suddenly drop dead that is).
I acclimatised them in their bag over maybe 30-40 minutes by adding tank water bit by bit.

Thanks for any help!
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