help choosing the right cory

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 14, 2012
Central Florida
So I had 4 pandas ordered last week from my lfs but they couldn't get them. :( So now I'm thinking about 2 albino and 2 julii or bandit but was also wandering what the most hardy Cory is. I've heard the pandas die off easily. So I might just go with 2:2 of a hardier species I have a planted 20high with black sand. Stock is a dwarf gourami and 12 rummynose tetras and sooner or later an apistogramma.
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my peppered are the hardiest I've had. They have seriously lived through every single disease I've gotten in the tank they are in and I've never lost a soul.
Heck, they were even spawning when I was treating with furan-2! I'd definitely go for those if you are looking for hardy guys.
I have peppered and bronze. Love them both. I would go with one type though, they are happiest in groups of their own kinds.
So what I'm noticing is that it hurt or miss then. Should I just stick with pandas then or go with a slightly larger one that's my dilemma now.
Ok cool I just don't want to loose any. And THANK YOU ALL for the info. Also I read they like there water at 75 degrees my tank maintains 76-78 if I drop it down to 75 will my plants, rummynose, dwatf gourami and apistogrammi be ok or will the pandas do ok in 77 deg water.

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