Help! Floor stripper/wax where my 55g is housed.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 20, 2012
The floor of room where my 55g is will be is getting a fresh coat of wax on Monday. The first thing they do is use a wax stripper which actually hurts my eyes when I'm in the same room. Now I have very sensitive eyes and it doesn't seem to bother the guys using it. None the less, is it likely this could kill my fish? I've been advised to do a big water change before and after they do it. Could I run continuous fresh water while draining at the same rate to help? How could I keep this new water de-chlorinated enough? I'm sure glad I decided against the discus I almost bought a month ago! Thanks in advance!
Having been a janitor for six years once long ago, I don't think too many of the fumes would get mixed into the water. Stripper is only left to activate for ten to fifteen minutes. The wax fumes could get in there also. I'd do a really good water change after every thing is said and done. And don't go in there until after the last coat of wax is cured. You'll end up on a janitors hit list! :) I'll clean up this saying for the forum, " some may say that a janitor is but the butt end of the operation, but the body shuts down completely without a properly working butt end" so keep your janitor happy :) is your tank on the floor? If you have any silicone on the outside, the stripper might eat some of the silicone away.
Now that I think about it, the biology teacher at the school I cleaned had 12 tanks in his class room. The tanks were 10-20 gallons in size. There were never any problems that I could recall. I remember this because I would sneak away after the floor was done and look at all his tanks during the summer breaks.
Thanks! I would never ever complain with even a hint if haste to or about a janitor. I have great janitorial staff anyway! They are simply doing what they're supposed to do anyway. I mean , the floor HAS to be stripped and waxed... Thanks for piece of mind! I'll do water changes before and after and hope for the best. I JUST cycled this tank a few weeks ago. I've got over $200 in fish alone in the tank...
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