Help!!! Goldfish Bullying My Pleco!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 10, 2024
Okay, I haven't been able to find anything about this anywhere online... I have 2 Black Moor Goldfish and an Oranda in a 90 Gallon Tank with 2 small Clown Plecos. Today my Goldfish started bullying the Pleco. What's makes it even more odd is that the Goldfish seem to be working as a group. Maybe I'm just too new to this, but that's unusual behavior isn't it? I mean.... correct me if I'm wrong, or if anyone has had anything similar happen. Anything is helpful
Okay, I haven't been able to find anything about this anywhere online... I have 2 Black Moor Goldfish and an Oranda in a 90 Gallon Tank with 2 small Clown Plecos. Today my Goldfish started bullying the Pleco. What's makes it even more odd is that the Goldfish seem to be working as a group. Maybe I'm just too new to this, but that's unusual behavior isn't it? I mean.... correct me if I'm wrong, or if anyone has had anything similar happen. Anything is helpful
They weren't bullying the pleco. Most likely they viewed the pleco as food as Goldfish generally eat from the bottom and Plecos usually stay at the bottom and the clown plecos have stripes that are similar to the color of flake food for Goldfish. I'd feed your goldfish more often. (y)
Thank you so much for the fast response. A few bits of information to help narrow down the issue

1.)I already feel like I'm over feeding My Goldfish. I go through A LOT of goldfish flakes.

2.) When they starred this with the pleco, and every time since then, it's been about 3/4 the way up from the bottom. So doesn't seem like the bottom feeding would be the issue.

3.) The goldfish have been actively looking for and slamming up against the pleco. Or sometimes if they miss, doubling back to knock into them.
Thank you so much for the fast response. A few bits of information to help narrow down the issue

1.)I already feel like I'm over feeding My Goldfish. I go through A LOT of goldfish flakes.

2.) When they starred this with the pleco, and every time since then, it's been about 3/4 the way up from the bottom. So doesn't seem like the bottom feeding would be the issue.

3.) The goldfish have been actively looking for and slamming up against the pleco. Or sometimes if they miss, doubling back to knock into them.
I'd check your goldfish more closely for parasites then. The Pleco is a scratchy source good for scratching against. Goldfish have no reason to bully anything but other goldfish during spawning season. They are not territorial so there's no need to be aggressive towards other fish species.

As for the food, goldfish have no real stomachs to store food like other fish so they should be fed 3-4 or more times per day. You are going to go through a lot of food when you keep goldfish properly. This is why they are best in outdoor ponds so they get a lot of natural food from bugs and plants.
Thank you. That is actually extremely helpful. What would be the best way to check them for parasites? Sorry for the amateur question. I'm quite new to this.
Thank you. That is actually extremely helpful. What would be the best way to check them for parasites? Sorry for the amateur question. I'm quite new to this.
I keep a good magnifying glass by the tanks for looking closely at my fish. I get mine from the Dollar store so they only cost $1.00 ( now $1.25. ;) )

Google search " Parasites on goldfish pictures " and you'll see what you should be looking for. (y)
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