Help ID fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 8, 2012
So I have 7 golden WCM in my tank and I was fairly certain that they had bred. However, as the fry have grown, I've noticed that they don't really seem to have the same fin shape as the adults. I have 1 Molly in the tank and know they're notorious for being pregnant when you buy them, but is it possible that these aren't WCM's and they're mollies?


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Yeah they look a bit big for platy fry. However, they almost entirely resemble platy fry so if its like a few weeks old then it could possibly be a platy
yea, it's been a few weeks now, but it's weird that all of the fry are the same color. Very few of them have any signs of coloring on their fins.

oh well, I figure that once I get a larger tank (hopefully tomorrow) , that I'll try to breed my golden tetras.
Def looks like a molly. A lot of the colors I don't think come out until they are a bit bigger. I have platy fry that are about a week or 2 old in my tank and they are the same color as your fry.

Females livebearer can also store sperm for something like 3 months and can get pregnant at any time
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