Help identifying these cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 18, 2009
I just got these fish with a free fish tank. Does anyone know what type of cichlid these are?

Sorry for the bad picture, it's the best I could get at the moment.
Lol. Well I have a butt load of them. 15 to be exact, with the addition of fry today and a couple more of the females look like they are about to spawn as well. A lot of them are going to the LFS tomorrow (if they'll take them)
Well, I just counted and I have 18, plus about 30 fry so far. I'm going to return 14 of them to the LFS. And I found out that my angel doesn't have fin rot, it was kept with 18 fry and attacked to no end. I hope the melafix and salt help him. Thanks for the identification.
Convicts breed like rabbits. It is not uncommon for people that own them to use there babies as feeders, just like guppies.
That'll be the plan, once I get all these other tanks set up. Talk about Multiple Tank Syndrome, I'm getting 7 different tanks this month. It's going to take a while to set any of those up. I may raise the fry and sell them to the LFS to help out with it.
Be careful, because the fish will spawn really fast. And since they do the fish shop will only take so many before they sell them.
I know. What they won't take I'm going to try to sell on here or use as feeder fry.
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