Help me choose dithers for Krobia xinguensis tank!

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severum mama

Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 11, 2004
Hey all, I have what I believe to be a trio of Krobia xinguensis. These are really cool fish that are pretty rare, only I can barely even see them most of the time because they are so shy. They eat aggressively, but I'd like for them to be out more. Tank is a 46 gallon bowfront.

I'm debating between lemon tetras and von rio/flame tetras. I already have both of these species so it's just a matter of making up my mind and catching them out of their current tanks. Here are a couple of pics, they are really awful because I used my phone and because there is a 10k and an actinic bulb over the tanks.

Lemon tetras

Von rio/flame tetras

The fish that gets the most votes in this thread in the next few hours will be added in a group of 10 to the tank this evening. Help me decide! :)
Ok, I found a couple of my old pics that show the colors better. :)

The lemon tetra is in the middle here.

Von rio/flame tetra
I've always been a Lemon fan even if they can't compete with the more flamboyant red of the Von Rio's.
I've always been a Lemon fan even if they can't compete with the more flamboyant red of the Von Rio's.

Well sure, that's why I can't make up my mind! LOL. So... 1 and 1 so far, I'm interested to see how this thread turns out. :)
See lemons I would put with a darker type fish, like black veil angels, or Smokey blues. It would really make them stand out. Where as the oranges and reds of the Von Rios would make the electric blues of the Krobias (if the pictures I looked at are accurate) really pop.

Of course, I would also have them in a black sand tank with a black matte painted background too.

Grrrrr, ok now I want another tank!!
Ok, after consulting chat, I have a vote of 4-1 in favor of Von rios. I'll be watching for another couple of hours. Thanks for helping me decide! This is more fun than flipping a coin. :)
Ok, 4-2 in favor of Von rios!

*edit* second chat poll shows von rios in the lead 7-2.
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Lemons have their place. I think that this particular setup wouldn't do them justice they deserve. :)
I would've voted for von rios if you hadn't already decided. Post pics once they're in :)
Everyone likes red fish that stand out... poor lemons didn't stand a chance!

Haha, the lemons are the only reason I ever see our buffalo heads (Steatocranus casuarius). They look awesome with the dark gray cichlids. We have 25 of them in that tank. :)

I've got the von rios floating in a catch cup to temp match. The Krobia tank is a bit warmer than their previous home.
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