Help me read this test

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 5, 2015
Lawrence, KS
What would you say my nitrate is? Having trouble matching color...ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1429713941.549417.jpg

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20ppm if I had to guess from the picture. I would redo the test to confirm. With the API kit it can be tricky to do the nitrate test.


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I would say 20ppm by the picture as well.

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon vampire shrimp, green lace shrimp and snails.
Thanks guys! I've always used the strips, and just got the api set last night, so I'm still figuring out reading the tests. :)

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Thanks guys! I've always used the strips, and just got the api set last night, so I'm still figuring out reading the tests. :)

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The nitrate test is easy to mess up. I have the kit believe me.. Make sure you follow the directions to the dot.


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Always remember to give the bottle a really good shake, I didn't and my reading was through the roof Lol

55 gallon elephant nose tank.
30 gallon vampire shrimp, green lace shrimp and snails.
Yea, I did all the required shaking lol.

My nitrites were high as well (3-5) but ammonia was zero. This tank is only 1.5 weeks old. I think I'm reaching the end of my cycle. It is going pretty quickly because I had established media to seed it with.

By the way, after that test I did a 75% water change, just so the fish fuzz don't freak out on me ;-)

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