help me with my tank problem. Think it is Hydra??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 28, 2005
Cornwall Canada
Please help me. Ive been treating my 2 Angel fish for cloudy eye syndrome and internal bacterial disease and after the 5th day alot of clear stuff showed up on my bottom of my tank. it's all over my plants and rocks. I checked the filter and the sponge was full of it too. Now both of my Angel fish have caught fin rot. Can someone help me please!! I don't want to lose my 2 last fish. Here are some pics of my problems.

Sorry if they looks small. any help would be really appreciated.
some better pics would be helpful
also we are going to need ALL your "readings"
check them then get back to us...
also, try for a close up shot of what your seeing... Its very hard to see it in those pics.
What meds were you using
i took out the pillar and felt the stuff
it's all sticky and clear.

I used Mardel Maroxy.

I have to go buy a tester tomorrow. My temperature is at 77 degrees. It looks like wet cotton balls but smaller.

Can someone find me a picture of Hydras in a tank?? I'mt rying to look it up but cant seem to find any pictures.
More likely its colonial bacteria on rotting food. Anti-biotics can kill off beneficial bacteria so the food doesn't get broken down as fast. Do a good gravel vac and reduce the amount you feed them. Most fish can actually go a week without being fed, so skipping a day isn't going to hurt them. If you have killed your nitrogen cycle you really need that test kit.
what kind of anti biotics should I use? I just did a good vacuum yesterday. How long until I should do another one? I also changed about 50% of the water. tomorrow I will buy that kit and measue the Ph and nitrate.
Now that your angelfish have caught finrot, antibiotics are a must. You said you were using MarOxy before, right? I would recommend Melafix. Treat as directed.

I agree -- slow down your feeding regimen. Once a day or (even better) every other day should be good enough for your fish.
your angel fish are beautiful tho

i wanna get some but they get 6"long 10" talli could only fit about 3 of those in my tank if they got that big!!!

fin rot- Treatment

At the expense of being repetitive, stress is the major cause of fin rot. This could be due to a fish disease such as parasites, or overcrowding, low oxygen levels, bullying, poor water quality etc. The most important first step is to resolve any stressors. If caught early, this may be sufficient.

In more advanced cases it may be necessary to trim the affected fin and remove the necrotic tissue. This has to be done when the fish is sedated. It is important to use sterile scissors and treat the clean edge with an antiseptic such as povodine-iodine. This procedure does carry with it a risk of secondary infection and it is important that the fish is returned to optimum conditions and its progress closely monitored for the next week or so.

If the fin rot has advanced the full length of the fin and is threatening the body, this procedure would need to be accompanied by a course of suitable antibiotics.

Does the tissue grow back? In minor cases where only the fin tissue is affected it probably will, but in more advanced cases, particularly if the fin rays (bones) are affected, the chances of re-growth are slim

HTH i read the article on its a good website
my readings are 5.0 ph
Nitrate 50
Ammonia 2.4

Is that good enough for my Angel fish?? And should I treat them with the Maroxy?
No, discontinue the Maroxy.

Yikes, those are horrible readings! Are you positive you are reading the results correctly? A pH of 5.0 is too acidic for any fish, ammonia should always be zero, and even the nitrate is on its way to the high side. Do a 50% water change immediately. Also, do the tests on the water you are using, straight out of the tap, and let us know those results, too.
I just did one days ago. A 50% water change. do another one?? I redid it and it looks like its more of 6 ph now. I did a test with water right out of the tap and came out with 7.5 ph
Absolutely. All three of your readings fall into the "stressors" category.
Would this be why they are starting Ick or fin rot? Ill do a 50% water change again and see what happens. What should my readings be around??
In a properly cycled tank ammonia should always read zero. Nitrates can be anywhere from 0-50 ppm, although I would not let it get that high. A good pH for angelfish would be around 6.5.

Don't go buying a bunch of pH adjusters and such. Let's just deal with what you have now. Your low pH and out-of-control readings are probably related to the previously mentioned overfeeding as well.
Also, I note in your other posted topic that you are using ZeoCarb. You need to remove that so the medication can do its job. Carbon adsorbs medications.
Ok Ill do a 50% water change and redo my test. thanks for the quick replies. Ill keep it updated.

Just did a 50% water change. Rinse off all my plants and pilars in hot hot water. I netter all the excess gunk. Now should I put tap conditioner in? Even though I put some in this morning?
my new readings are Ph 7.0
Ammonia 0.01
Nitrate 50

So i'm guessing my tank is stable. I put some Mardel Maroxy in this morning because their side fin seem to have fungus on it and one of them still has a bubble on his eye which seems cloudy. Should I treat it with Maroxy liquid or the tablet?? And thanks for all your help going through this.

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