Help mystery eggs!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 15, 2013
While cleaning my tank I have noticed eggs on almost everything so I put all of the egg covered decor in a "holding tank" ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1403102245.198082.jpg also I have heard that fish protect their eggs so I want to know which fish to put with eggs. Also I would like help discovering which fish they belong too... I have algae eaters, platys, a 3 spot gourami, 2 panda Cory, 1 albino Cory, 1 peppered Cory, and 1 emerald Cory I have a snail too but idk if they lay eggs. The eggs are surrounded in a saliva like substance and they are white ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1403102567.268761.jpg anything would be appreciated
Oh and when will they hatch. I have just noticed them today and do not know when they were layed
What kind of snail do you have?

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Ok well it's definitely not apple snail eggs, the first thing i thought was snail. Hopefully someone else will chime in.

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I wonder if it's cory eggs? When mine laid eggs it looked just like that and they had spread them everywhere.

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Mine where albinos. Here's a picture of the eggs they laid on my snails and see if it matches 1403111212122.jpg

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Based on your picture and the eggs being in a jelly like substance, they are snail eggs and you do not have common Apple snail apparently if you only have the one snail. ;)
Maybe with a picture, someone can correctly identify the snail for you. Apple snails lay a dry mass of eggs out of the water which is why the doubt you have an apple. Cory cats will scatter eggs everywhere but NOT in a jelly. Same with the Zebra danios. Gouramis lay floating eggs in a bubble nest (except for kissers) so this almost makes them snail eggs by default. :confused: Keep your eyes open for baby snails on the tank walls. That will really solve the mystery :)

Hope this helps (y)
My first thought was ramshorn snails i have loads lol

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That's definitely a apple snail but the eggs don't belong to it, apple's are a pink sac laid above the water line.

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Jip they look like cory eggs to me too, however I have never seen them so close to each other. But you say most of the stuff you took out have eggs on them... Cory's like to scatter eggs. I really looks and sounds like it.

Please keep us up to date, happy days!!!
It may be my eyes but when I blew up the pic and used a magnifying glass, those eggs look more elongated/ oblong than round which would make them NOT Cory eggs. Plus, the jelly like substance is the key. Are you sure you don;t have another snail in the tank that you don;t know about? lol Was that decoration or those decorations in another tank with other snails? I agree that the snail in the pic is an apple but those are not typical apple snail eggs. As Shelly said, I only know apples to have eggs above the water line and they are not in a jelly substance.
This is a stumper... :blink::confused::confused:
I searched the tank and I found an extremely small, 8th of an inch snail but in my acclimation tank there is a flower pit and there has never been a snail there so idk how there are eggs on it so I'm worried they could be parasites but idk
I searched the tank and I found an extremely small, 8th of an inch snail but in my acclimation tank there is a flower pit and there has never been a snail there so idk how there are eggs on it so I'm worried they could be parasites but idk

If I remember my parsitology correctly, the jelly would make them not parasites. I'm sticking with those are snail eggs. :brows::whistle: Please let me know if I'm right. :D
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