Help on a few things

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 9, 2014
I have recently started my first planted tank, I was wondering a few things and was hoping for some advice:

Do I need a plant growth light or additional light?

Do I need a co2 system, I bought one just haven't set it up yet

And any other help would be greatly appreciated as I don't wanna add fish yet because I figured dead plants affect the water like dead fish and leftover foodImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1407637682.237116.jpg this is what I have so far thank you all

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Hi! What type of light do you have now?

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Full spectrum daylight 17 watt I believe 6700kw but not 100% on that

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What are your tank size/dimensions? You might as well go medium light and dry fertilizer if you already have a co2 system.
30 gallon I believe it's 30x12x19

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Hmmm. Thats a good size for a planted tank. You've got good dimensions for a medium light tank and co2 already so this is what I would do if you have the money for it.

1. Research planted tanks and co2 and PPS pro and EI dosing.

2. Switch that gravel for 60 pounds of Eco complete. Its better for plants and that blue gravel looks unnatural.

3. Get a finnex fugeray planted plus.

4. Get EI or PPS pro fertilizer.

Boom. Great medium tech tank. I can give more info tomorrow when I'm at my computer.
Thank you very much, I'll look into that and more info would be very much appreciated

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