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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 5, 2011
One of my metallic blue rams has a white worm like thing attached to its side and another smaller thinner one on its gills. I dont see them wriggling etc and unsure what to do. I've put in nt labs anti fluke and wormer, contains flubenzadole, 3 days ago but don't see any improvement. I'll attach a picture. The last pic is of the other side of the fish which looks normal to me?


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Hi! I can't see anything clearly on your pics but what your describing sounds like it may be anchor worms. Can you google pics of anchor worms on fish & see if this matches what you see? The meds you have tried wont be effective against them. Hikari makes a product called Cyropro that's supposed to be effective and not as dangerous as some older meds such dimilin, life bearer or dylox.
I don't see a forked end like the pictures of anchor worms and it doesn't move so I'm confused. We have had a good lot of fish die recently with no obvious symptoms apart from a few of them have got really thin but they didn't stop eating.
Ok im a newbie and may got shot down here but to me it looks like planaria!
You said you have had a lot of fish die recently, could one have died and maybe be still in the tank giving them a huge food source! I know its not usual for them to attach themselves to fish but i just googled it and it has been known to happen. Maybe you could try some water changes and a really good vaccuming of the gravel see if u find any??

Sorry if im way off
There are no dead fish or dead plants cause I've checked over and over. I've been doing water changes every week and did a large one before adding the meds.
How long is it before I should see an improvement if I have bought the correct meds?
Fish getting very thin sounds like an internal parasite issue. I would try treating with a combo of praziquantel and metronizadole. A medicated food is the best route to take if everyone is eating. If they are not eating, a water treatment would be best. There are a few anti-parasite products that contain both metro & prazi- check the ingredients. Jungle makes an anti-parasite food with both meds as well. Angelfish (Angelsplus) sells both medicated foods and meds to treat the water as well. If they are not anchor worms you are seeing, then I am not sure what they are excpet for possibily leeches but you said the 'worms' are not moving so I am honestly not sure whatit may be.
Can I give the fish medicated food at the same time as the medicine is in the water?
Ideally, if everyone is eating, go the medicated food route with a combo of metro & praz in the food. If not everyone is eating, opt for a water treatment only. Jungle also makes an inexpensive fizz anti-parasite tabs. If you want to do a combo, opt for a metro-med food with prazi in the water. Do not start combining various med-foods with various water treatments- not everything can combined or it may be overkill with the same med being doubled dosed via food & water. If you are unsure, just ask!
I can't find any shops around here that stock medicated foods and I'm scared that the fish will die before I get some delivered from USA!
Ok, your best bet is to continue the route you have been on using the fenben product. Do you have access to any other anti-parasite meds in your lfs? I believe you may products such as Sterazin or Para Cide available to you. You also may be able to find praziquantel available as a cat/dog or bird dewormer but I am not positive how strict your countries laws are. The feben product will need to be removed from the water before switching to a new product for the water- a few big water changes & running active carbon for a few hours will accomplish this.
Thank you I'll have a look tomorrow because I need to go to lfs to get more prime. He sold me the treatment I'm using and said it was a good one.
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