Help, Tank of Death.. Warning Few Pictures are Bloody

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 18, 2004
Hi all, I have a Saltwater tank myself and I dont know much about Fresh water. This tank belong to the office i work yet, it currently has 9 Red Cap Oranda Goldfish... 3 plants.. and 1 filter.. The tank is about 70gal.. This tank was currently taken care off by some guy.. long story short, he left without telling anyone :evil: .. So here i am, trying to save the goldfishes. This morning I started to notice they all have bloody lines on their body and tail "Picture" It seems like they are blooding inside out :cry: A few goldfish tail were basically gone "Picture" Tonight.. things got REALLY bad 8O 3 goldfish are died and 5 goldfish are starting to show "blood lines" "Picture" "Picture" "Picture"

Anyone know what i should do to help these goldfish? Any comment would be great! THANK YOU. -hope my english is good enough

Sorry about the image size, i know they are kinda big.
what's a kanamycin based med? Where can i get them?
Kanamycin is an antibiotic that treats both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. To treat the septicemia, you'll need to add the contents of the capsule to the fishes food. Empty the contents of the capsule into a small amount of water. Add flake food until the water is absorbed. Spread the food on plastic until it dries and feed it to the fish. I have seen this med sold under the brand name "K-Mycin" and you should be able to get it at your LFS. If you can't find it, I would try some tetracycline. If you can't get that, go with a sulfonamide based treatment. Your LFS should be able to supply one of these. You need to treat them quickly though as this condition moves fast and is only susceptible to treatment in the early stages.
Thank you so much! I'll head to my LFS right now, hopefully they are open this late.
I'm so sorry, ACoS. I replied to this post right as my husband picked me up. I normally explain things much better :oops:
You should be aware that this disease is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. If it is bacterial, you have a chance to save your fish. If it is viral (like the flu), there is nothing you can do.
Do a large water change before adding the meds. The ammonia is probably very high. Someone once told me read streaks on a goldfish's fins are ammonia burns. I assume you do water changes with a sw tank too, but i know nothing of salt water so im not sure. Im sure you know how to go about doing a water change....same temp, water conditioner, the works. Good luck with your fishes.

Hmm, since no one wants to care for the fishes maybe you could convince the company to sell that tank to you for a good price. You could dable in feshwater tanks a bit maybe. Just a thought...haha Im always looking for ways to get my hands on new tanks.
Thanks alot for all your help guys. I manage to save 4 out of 9 fishes.. It seems like the tetracycline works great. I hardly see any more red line, very little. But it's fading away :D Thank you!

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