Hey. I hope someone's on at the moment to offer some advice. I have 12 fish in my tank (a Juwel Rekord 60): 2 albino corydoras, 5 neon tetras, 3 phantom tetras and 2 colombian redfin tetras. I have a little problem and I'm very worried coz I'm going on holiday tomorrow - my two redfins are skimming the top of the tank, heads up, like they are gasping for air. The rest of the fish seem ok. They only started doing this about 2 or 3 hours ago. The thing is they don't really show any other signs of illness, apart from one colombian redfin who has cloudy eye. I know for a fact that the ammonia / nitrates / nitrites are ok because I took a water sample into the pet shop this afternoon, and all the levels were fine. Last water change I did was this morning, maybe about half the water. The filter is working fine. The temperature in the tank at the moment is about 25 degrees Celsius. There looks as if there is a little bit of oily looking stuff on the top of the water, but it's just little patches scattered here and there, but that could be because of the stuff I put in not long ago for one of the redfins. As for how old the tank and fish are, I'm not really sure - the girl who lived in my flat before me just left them. I've been here about 9 months though, I'd hazard a guess that they are maybe 2 years old judging by the size of the fish, they look like they are at their adult size. I really hope someone can help because I'm so worried. Thanks.