HELP weird infection of GSP

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 26, 2013
Today I noticed that my Green Star Polyps were not opening like they should. It also looked as if parts of it were ill. I picked it up and moved it into better view, and there were small whitish patches on one side. They have a weird, hole-covered look to them and when touched with a skewer they are very soft. Please tell me if there is anything that can be done, they are currently not in the tank to prevent spread but I hope it isn't too late. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1439665020.655162.jpg the quality of picture is not good but you can kind of see the patches slightly above and too the left of the feather duster

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Looks and sounds like a sponge growing. Is this a new issue with this colony? Is it new to your tank? What are the current parameters? Have you tried to dip the colony in a product like coralRX?
At first I was thinking maybe a sponge as Hank said then I blew up the pict 4X in size
looked it over well , I didn't see ant sign of sponge than I started thinking what I do
When my gsp don't open , the first thing I do is blow it off you would be surprised how much crud collects on it , I also tend to do testing as I found a lot of times something isn't right , most of the time with mine it always reacts if my phosphates are high or when my salinity is off , or even if ammonia is present
sometimes there could something other than parameters irritating it , could be a sponge or a simple worm burrowing through it or even a hermit crab ,

From what I'm looking at I don't think it's a sponge , hermit or worm ,
I'm leaning more to a build up of dextrose something a simple turkey baster could fix . I would also suggest checking your parameters as a second resort ,
I would also suggest adding a little more flow pointed towards the gsp , It could help keep some of the excess crud off of it,
You could simply scrape it off with a butter knife too if you want. I still think a dip in a product like coralRX is warranted. There are nudibranch that will munch on this stuff you might not even see.
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