help with 8 " black convict

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 17, 2005
Naperville, IL
does anyone know anything about this fish I just acquired. It came with the 55 gal tank. It's all by itself. What can I do with it????
The black convict is a Central American Cichlid. They generally only grow to 6 inches, but can grow bigger. The Convict is probably already at it's max size. It is an aggressive fish. The following is pulled from

"The Black Convict Cichlid requires a 30 gallon minimum tank, with a gravel bottom, rocks and plenty of hiding places among the rocks or some inverted pots. Floating plants are recommended as a form of cover. Because of their aggressive nature, Black Convict Cichlids should only be housed with other more aggressive fish of the same size or larger."

"The Black Convict Cichlid is omnivorous and will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and ocean plankton, as well as flake food and Cichlid pellets."

You can get a mate for it and have lots of babies (more than you know what to do with), or you can probably keep it with other cichlids of similar size and temperament. My convict lives with a gold severum and a firemouth with no problems. If you want to get a school of fish to brighten up your tank, I would suggest barbs. They are hardy and quick, and too big to fit in the con's mouth. I also keep tiger barbs in that tank and they do fine.
I had a pair of convicts with a pair of severums, assorted african cichlids and a pim catfish. The convicts produce fry like crazy, they also used to eat the eyes of the guppies i would throw in. They are aggresive only towards the guppies I would throw in or each other because they were a mating pair.
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