Help with algae?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 1, 2013
Peyton, CO
My BF has a 125 gal c
African Cichild tank that he put new lights in. The light has 4 T-5 HO and then the night light. He's getting green algae in his tank which he's never had before. He's running only 1 light during the day, and the blue LEDs at night for most of the night.

Can you make any suggestions? Are Mystery Snails an option in a cichlid tank?

I never reccommend snails, they arent a miracle cure. What the problem could be is either :

a. extra nutrients in the water (from food, poop, anything)
b. to much light, not sure what the night light would add but you should only run daylights for 6-8 hours i believe, if im wrong im sure rivercats or another member will correct me.
c. non-regular water changes( not weekly, so you have extra nutrients)

Either way, a good fix is H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) which you can spray on affected areas. I personally didn't find much luck in it for my GSA. If possible you could take the rocks out and scrub them with a new toothbrush.

Maybe some pictures so we can ID what algae this is
Scrape off the current algae, then do a water change and turn the lights down. This will get rid off it and prevent it from coming back. If you want a pleco that can with stand the cichlids and eat the algae get a rhino pleco. I've never had reverse osmosis clean algae out of my tank. But only get one of you guys like them, they aren't a fix just a little help and you get a cool fish. They do get big but not to big for your tank. Mines in my 125 and they max out at 9" or so
Thanks for your responses. He does have a Pleco and will leave the lights off more. It's just green algae on the glass, and again-he's never seen it before and has had the tank up since June.
I use Chinese algae eaters int tank and they work great!
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