Help with Algae

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 17, 2017
Hello Group,
If this has been talked about sorry for the thread again, I have black beard algae, hair ect I can not get a handle on or get rid of need some advise any and all would be a help. I tried Siamese algae eaters florish ecel dosing, I have been using Hydrogen Peroxide on the real plants daily. soaking the plastic decos in bleach it still comes back I don't know what to do its every where.

90 percent of the plants are plastic 10 percent are real live plants.

Thank you in advance.
Length of photoperiod?
Tank height?
Water change schedule?
How are you "cleaning" the tank?
How often do you clean the filters out?
Tank stocking?
Feeding amount?
Hello stb...

Algae control is all about light and nutrients. If you're over feeding fish or plants and there's food left over, you're setting up the perfect environment for algae. Large, weekly water changes will fix most, if not all tank problems. I don't have much algae in my planted tanks, because I remove and replace most of the tank water every week. This removes dissolved nutrients from the tank. You can introduce floating plants like Hornwort, Water sprite, and Anacharis (Elodea). These will help reduce the nutrients too. I don't like to change the tank lighting, because this is the main energy source for my plants. I would concentrate on keeping the tank water extremely clean and possibly look at how much you're feeding, you may want to reduce the amount.

46 gallon bow tank, LED Lighting weekly water changes 35% , lights on 10 to 11 hours per day, don't change filters (two HOBs) emp 400 tetra 70 as often as I should.The stock is mostly live bearers neons corys slight over crowded. I don't over feed just once a day. one Anubis and one petite Anubis, Photos placed on top of tank with roots in water. I clean the tank and gravel with siphon weekly.
I would cut back lighting to 7-8 hours max a day. Dim them a bit if you have the ability.

Increase water changes (size and frequency), manual removal, weekly filter cleanings (in old tank water) and general house keeping of the tank are good ways of keeping on top of algae.
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