Help with cichilds tank setup?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 7, 2011
Help with cichilds tank?

I'm looking to put a few African Cichlids into my 90 gallon tank. Before going out and spending money, I need to know if aquarium salt is needed? I'm using tap water from a water softener. And my ph is around 7.8. When I bought my tank it came with some cichlids buffer. I don't have a clue what that is. All it says is to add a tea spoon to every 10-20 gallon of water, mix, then add to tank. Unsure what it does. Any help would be helpful right now. Thanks.
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I would say no to cichlids, they dont like salt too much and can do fine without it.

Cichlid Buffer Automatically buffers the pH and alkalinity or carbonate hardness (KH) adjusting system designed for African cichlids and other rift lake fishes.

Really, most African cichlids will do fine with that Ph side. It is only recommended to make the Ph higher so that you could simulate their natural habitat.
I'm not disagreeing with tyspot. Because everything he said is correct.

But for myself I use cichlid salt for rift lakes. It brings out the true colors of the fish. But as he said it's not required. The Cichlid buffers do a great job.
The only thing salt is needed for is French fries. But all joking aside salt is only used for treatment for certain illness. It's not needed in your case.

Your ph is fine it's exactly where mine is and remember the most important thing is keep it stable don't use chemicals to adjust it.
I wouldn't mess with anything if your pH stays a steady 7.8, or even if it drops a little and stays stable. All of my tanks are at 7.8, including my 150g Mbuna setup
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