help with cory eggs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 8, 2004
san francisco
my 2 bronze cory have recently put eggs on the glass of my tank .. I removed them (eggs) and put them in my 10 gal. by themselves .. 2 days later some eggs are furry - gone bad? ... I read one article about a guy removing those eggs (bad ones) .. but it seems with the eggs all mixed together(good&bad) I would only damage or kill the good ones that are left if I do so .. does it matter if I leave them .. would they harm the good eggs?
It is likely fungus and they should be removed. The fungus will spread to the good eggs.. The good eggs should not be harmed as long as you are careful..

You can put something in the fry tank to prevent fungus but I have never done that with cory eggs. I think most people that do it seriously do however... The eggs should be well aerated and the water treated with Methylene Blue Trihydrate to prevent fungus from growing on the eggs.
thanks, the eggs are all well bonded together .. any suggestions on how to pick out the bad ones .. and can they be taken out of the tank/water while I do it??
There is a still a chance that you will still have the good ones hatch inspite of the fungus..

I would be careful of handling them and taking them out of the water if you know they are close to hatching.. usually 72 hours.. If you are really close to the hatch and they start to hatch I would remove the remainder of the none hatched eggs so the fry don't have exposure to the fungus'd eggs.
I pulled the eggs out (they were on a shard of glass which I first deposited them on) and put them in a pan I filled with the aquarium water ... from there I started to sperate the good from bad eggs ... I was very difficult and timely ... the fuzzy eggs .. fuzzed up very quickly .. and consumed the others ....all bound up together ... while I was doing this I started to notice little things darting around in the pan ... fry hatching as I was separating ... I continued my job thinking they are alright in the pan for now.... I lowered the entire pan into the aquarium when I was finished .. but cant see any fry now ... to difficult to find in the common pebble/gravel in the tank // is that an Ok substrate for fry - seeing how they seem get lost in its cracks ?????.... .. thanks for your tips
mmm, well I hope at least a couple make it .. another dumb question though ... my small little backpack filter (10 gal tank) would not be a danger to the fry would they? ... say they get caught in its intake???
If you are concerned, buy a sponge and put it over the intake pipe. OR, take the HOB off and just use a sponge filter (this will require an airpump)--transfer as much bacteria from the HOB to the sponge first :wink:
thanks for all the help ... I have some fry now hiding and sometimes visible in the gravel .. hope some make it .. I'm just grinding up flake food for them
young fry can be have fungal issues as well make sure you have plent of air in the tank.
thanks, so far so good, today - for the first day tehy are very active and visible in the tank ... quite a few made it so far .. I'm crossing my fingers ..its been 6 days since the eggs were layed at this point
Congrats! Hope you have some of them grow up for you.. I've experienced that if they make it thru the first week they are usually likely to survive. (not guaranteed but your odds are better..) Keep us posted!
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