Help with java fern please.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 19, 2012
Omaha Nebraska
My larger java ferns have many younger plants sprouting off of them, but they have not detached yet. When/if they break off, what should I do with them? Should I just let them float until they attach themselves?
mine fell of on there own, correct me if im wrong, but i think you can take them off if they look ready. i attached my java ferns to driftwood, and rocks.
gman42 said:
mine fell of on there own, correct me if im wrong, but i think you can take them off if they look ready. i attached my java ferns to driftwood, and rocks.

I'm new to planted tanks, so that's why I'm asking. My larger ferns are all attached to driftwood and decor. But the new plants are too small to tie on. Could I use crazy glue to attach them as they are kinda small?
Tetra1990 said:
I'm new to planted tanks, so that's why I'm asking. My larger ferns are all attached to driftwood and decor. But the new plants are too small to tie on. Could I use crazy glue to attach them as they are kinda small?

You can use Crazy Glue. You can wedge them here and there. Or they can float for awhile.
I have some tiny baby Javas too I am looking at getting a spool of multi-colored fishing line, they come in different color combinations, so they blend with the rocks better.
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