Help with lights

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 4, 2009
North Carolina
Hello! I recently converted my 55G saltwater tank to a freshwater planted tank. I currently have power compacts for lights. 2 x 65 watts at 10,000 and 2 x 65 watts half 10k half 460 actinic. Are these considered mid to high lights? Also, is the spectrum too high? I think I heard that for planted freshwater you should have 6,500. Will I need to change bulbs or can I keep the ones I have? Thanks for any help you can offer!
Never got an answer on this, hoping someone chimes in. Also, to edit the layout mentioned above, it is actually 2 x 65 10,000k and 2 x 65 watt 420/460 actinics. I am not applying Co2, only flourish excel. Are these lights too strong? Can I get away without the C02 and using the excel? Thanks!
For plants the ideal K range is 5000 - 6700 ... anything more and I've read it's not usable by plants, your lights may be a bit on the high side. Is your fixture a T5 or T8? See the link below about lighting / Par ... I think it will help give you an idea where you are.

PAR vs Distance, T5, T12, PC - Updated Charts.
Man! I must be dense! : ) I looked over the charts and not sure I fully understand. I have Power Compacts on a 55G tank which is 24 inches high. I think the actinic bulbs don't count so that would be just the 2 65 watt 10K bulbs. If I am reading the chart correctly since my bulbs sit about 4 inches above tank that would be low light no?
Sorry .. I complete read over when you mentioned you have PC bulbs:facepalm:

2 PC bulbs at the height you have them are in the low range ... so yes you are right.
Ok thanks! I guess to try and raise the lighting a bit I can swap out the actinics to another set of bulbs I have that are half 10k and half actinic.
130 watts of PC on a 55 gallon is not low light in my mind. I would say a solid medium. I run 10000k on my planted tanks and the plants grow very well.
In my opinion you will do very well right where you are. If you decide you need more light you could add it later. How old are your bulbs? if they are over a year you might want to think about replacing them.
Your Lighting Question

Hello Crick...

You've gotten quite a few suggestions, so thought I'd throw in one too. I've always researched the plant first and then the lighting. Maybe you can do the reverse. Since you already have some lights, you may be able to get plants that do well in that particular lighting.

Most aquatic plants will do well if the lighting is in the 1 to 2 watt per gallon of tank size range and are in the 6500 K (light blue color) range too. You want bulbs that mimic natural daylight, 5500 K.

You have more watts of lighting than you need for a 55 G, so try using a bulb that comes the closest to giving you the 2 watts per gallon.

For plants the ideal K range is 5000 - 6700 ... anything more and I've read it's not usable by plants, your lights may be a bit on the high side. Is your fixture a T5 or T8? See the link below about lighting / Par ... I think it will help give you an idea where you are.

PAR vs Distance, T5, T12, PC - Updated Charts.

Agree with this. However, I've used PC fixtures on my 40bs in the past and they can be highly underrated. It may say low on there, but low-medium is where you want to be if you aren't injecting Co2.

I'd start with the 2x65 fixture and see how it does, and if you want a little more, add the other fixture, but the algae may get out of control pretty quickly. ~6500k tends to have a more plant friendly spectrum but you can get away with the 10000k, just look into getting a 6500k next time you get around to replacing a bulb..
Thanks to all for the great suggestions! My bulbs are about a year old so I will be ordering new ones. I have square pin bulbs from current and it seems the closest they have is 6700 so I will be ordering those.
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