Help with this Nitrate reading

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 12, 2014
So my large black Moor has been a little bit depressed looking today. I took a reading today and this Nitrate looks high. This is after doing 50% water change only amo and nitrite at 0. Anyone have a guess at this Nitrate reading. I find it so difficult to decipher which one it matches. My black Moor is eating fine and active I just noticed his dorsal fin was drooping a bit and heard this can be a sign of depression. I have been treating tank with parazin p. Which I got from aquatic centre so they measured doze 4tablets for 465 litre tank. My Ryukin has had a white worm parasite suspected anchor worm. Which I'm struggle to get rid off. She only fish affected. Although I'm beginning to think it's not anchor worm and some other worm parasite as they don't have a twig like appearance and more white worm looking.

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Currently doing another 25% water change to help bring nitrates down.

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What tank size is this?

Fish will slow down as nitrates rise (experienced this myself). If do another 50% change.

Have you tested your tap for nitrates?

That's the tap water. I must admit after the water change there was a funny smell coming off the tank.

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So you do have some coming from the tap itself. You could try diluting your water changes with some RO to help lesson what you are adding in.

Tank is 4ft x 2ft x2ft. 465 litres 119 gallons (us) 6 Goldies, 1variatus platy, 3danios, 3wcms. Fading out the temprate fish so only Goldie tank in long term future .ie not replacing little guys after lifespan lived out.

I have no idea how I potentially got a worm parasite as no new addition for over a year and this is a recent occurance plus I don't use live plans. Live food I'd my only guess as how it got in.

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What's RO. Ive never had a Nitrate issue before

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The tap water is practically the same as the tank water reading it has darken

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I'm going to do 25% water change daily and hopefully slowly reduce nitrates don't want to shock them. Gona test tap water again incase test tube wasn't cleaned probably.

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Yeah 10 drops then shake second bottle and ten drops.

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Second tap water test reads exactly the same

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No public I said in previous post. Look at this reading of tank water after 25% water change

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Oh its darkened again to the same as before. So water change made no difference

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I live in London. The city no where near a farm!!

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Public or well water?
Do you live near any farms??

Sorry my post must not have sent. When I thought I'd answered this question. Its a block of flats I live in. In London England.

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Have you cleaned the filter lately? Rinsed the sponge and other media with old aquarium water?

I normally find my nitrates creep up as the filters become due for a clean.

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