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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 6, 2013
In a house
So I just set up my 45 diamond and I`m worried that it`ll start a mini cycle. I change the subtrate to sand and mixed my gravel in with it, but something happened and my water got cloudy. I did rinse the sand until the water ran clear. I had 2 do a 75 water change and it cleared up but now theres all kind of bubbles. Would it still go into a mini cycle if I ran the old filter?
I made sure to put the filter media in aquarium water filled bucket. The filter might be a year old, its made for a twenty but runs like brand new. Would this work until i can get a new filter?
I think it will be ok. When you get a new filter, be sure to place the old media in next to the new media so that the BB will transfer.

There is little BB in the gravel, rocks, decorations or water. Your best source is the filter media.
Thanks, I was worried that I might loose my fish. My water is still cloudy though, its not 2 bad but it looks like I`m going through a cycle, even though I know thats not the case. Will this clear up or will I have to do anthor major water change.
what do you mean by cloudy? Is it white, green, or is just kicked up sand? How long was the tank running before it appeared?
Its milky, and its a new tank, my old one cracked so I had to set this one up ASAP for the fish. I`ve checked my filter so no sand in it. I pretty sure I`ve saved enough BB for it not to start a cycle. I`ve have some lava rocks and added all the gravel I could along with the filter media.
Sand kicks up an awful lot of dust, however well you rinse it. Don't worry, it'll settle in a day or two.
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