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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 17, 2013
There are these white dots in my tank. I just replaced my carbon in my filter for seachem purigen. Idk if it is from the bag or is it something else. After putting in the puritan, I went out for s few hours and came back with these thing in my tank! It also seems like one of my guppy got the ich. Can someone tell me what the white dots are?

There are these white dots in my tank. I just replaced my carbon in my filter for seachem purigen. Idk if it is from the bag or is it something else. After putting in the puritan, I went out for s few hours and came back with these thing in my tank! It also seems like one of my guppy got the ich. Can someone tell me what the white dots are?

Read up on ich...maybe thats what the problem is?
Are those spots on the glass, in the water, or on fish ? If the first two, it is not ich, and you would not come home in a few hours to find that many ich spots anyway. I'd think you'd have noticed long before there were so many.

Did you rinse the Purigen bag before you put it in the filter ? If not, I suspect you have bits of Purigen that escaped. Siphon them out, and should be ok.

But read up on Ich anyway. Every fish keeper should be familiar with what it looks like and how to treat it. Best article ever here. Sorry, had to go find it.

Edit.. why carbon, and why replace it with Purigen ? Neither is necessary, but Purigen is useful if you have a spike and need help to control it. While it can result in very polished water, you can achieve the same with regular maintenance and floss in the filter. Purigen is not a carbon substitute, though I know it has been said that it is, it's not. Check Seachem's site for info if you want confirmation on what Purigen is used for.
The dots are in the tank and I rinsed the purigen before putting it in the tank. I'm gonna siphon it out when I get home and I have removed the purigen since I saw the white things cause I was scared the bag was leeking.
Well, Purigen won't do any harm. It's just unsightly. But it is expensive, so unless you really need it I just can't see why anyone would bother with it. It's great for what it does, but it's not a carbon substitute, and nobody needs carbon either unless they need to get rid of odour, colour or some meds.

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