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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 23, 2014
I need help with fishless cycling. I'm getting a master test kit and now I just need to know the steps to cycle!
1. The first step is to add 100% pure ammonia NO ADDITIVES or SCENT this is very important. Janitorial strength pure ammonia form ACE hardware is a good choice.
2. get your ammonia up to 4 ppm test your water ever 24 hours
3. When the ammonia goes down nitrites will rise be sure to keep your ammonia levels up between 2 and 4 ppm.
4. When nitrites drop nitrates will rise
5.once your ammonia and nitrites are zero and nitrates are through the roof do a 90% water change
6. just to ensure you are completely cycled add 2-4 ppm of ammonia within 24-48 hours ammonia and nitrites should be 0 now you're fully cycled :)
Be sure to not get the ammonia with the detergent. If u shake it &i it suds , stay away from it. be patient and keep trying. It was very frustrating & overwhelming for me but I got it .

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