hey im dustin

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 15, 2009
im new to the site im 22 and my friend and i whom i take care of live together we have a 55 gallon saltwater with an orange clown fish, blue hippo tang, royal gramma, majestic angel,and a porcupine puffer. we also have a 35 gallon with a large tomato clown and an african lion i have no LR OR CORRAL im interested in gettin them if possible im looking for info on adding lr or live corral so thanks
WELCOME TO AA "the good one lol" glad you joined us!!!
i don't know any thing about SW tanks and i wont pretend to know anything about them, but i know one of the other guys or girls on aa will be happy to tell you what you need to know

good luck :p
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