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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 23, 2010
My husband just bought me a Biorb for my birthday. I'm really into Feng Shui and having a fish or two in the office is great for it. We got an Oranda and in a a little bit we'll be adding another goldfish. I absolutely love it and wish I had done this sooner!
Welcome to AA. personally i would read up on how to cycle a tank and look into how big goldfish get. most of those bio balls orbs what ever tend to be way too small for a goldfish. dont see anything feng shui with sticking a big fish in a small tank.
Welcome to AA. personally i would read up on how to cycle a tank and look into how big goldfish get. most of those bio balls orbs what ever tend to be way too small for a goldfish. dont see anything feng shui with sticking a big fish in a small tank.

Any suggestions for other fish? I'm open and smart enough to listen to people who are smarter than me in this arena! Thank you, everyone.:wave:
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