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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 9, 2013
Hi my name I Melvin I have a ten gal tank with 3rainbow plattys 2 Micky mouse plattys an 5red plattys hope you all can help me keep them going strong
I'm pretty sure that's way to much for a 10...

10 gallons, so thats 37 liters. 10 platties. surely if you have a good filter, and the fish look happy, then surely its ok.

im no expert (obviously) but i do read alot of facts and figures regarding tank size and quantity of fish, and it all seems so variable. everyone seems to have a different opinion on the topic.

IMO if you have a good filter (or 2) and you ammonia levels are at 0ppm, do weekly 20-30% partial water changes and vacuum the substrate at the same time, feed only as much as the fish can eat in a short time, then there should be no reason these fish wont be happy and healthy.:fish2:
It would be interesting to hear others opinions on the topic of quantity vs tank size. If the filter/s is doing a good job, and all the bio-load is taken care of what are the other limiting factors?

Congrats on the tank btw. But be warned, most cant stop at just one.
thanks all had the tank for 3 months now i have a eheim quick vac for cleaning the tank they seem hapy a full of life so i hope they are fine i plane on investing in a canister filter from eheim soon
Hi all, Iam experiencing some problems with 2 of my bluegills/sunfish. I have a 40 gal tank with 2 bluegills,1bala shark,ploco algae eater,and a albino catfish. Live plants i put in because of high nitrates. I have the aqueon 50/75 filter system. I had bought a fish koi goldfish and another placo.fish from a store i wont mention. Well in a short time my 2 bluegills have gooten sich with grayish whitish film on the .They dont eat and are very lathargic. I believe the little one iam going to lose.He is at the bottom barely moving. Ive been using rid-ich and doing daily water changes. Sunday a 80 percent change today a 40. I also bought prime. and put that in after i change water. I dont know what else to do. I have aquaium salt to help aid in healing dont know if i should use that too. Can anyone give me adice as what to do? Keep doing what Iam.I think the big bluegill looks like it has changed on his body but still doesnt move much or eat.
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