Aquarium Advice Newbie
I have a 60 gallon tropical tank. It consists of 9 neon tetras, 4 black skirt tetras, 3 otos and 5 fancy guppies. all of the plants are fake but 1 betta bulb that is growing out of control! I have had this tank running for about 2 months now and before it I had a 20 gallon for about 7 months.
glad to see a great fish forum here!
here is a pic of my aquarium:
<a href="fish :: more plants picture by foreverandtheday - Photobucket" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="more plants"></a>
I have a 60 gallon tropical tank. It consists of 9 neon tetras, 4 black skirt tetras, 3 otos and 5 fancy guppies. all of the plants are fake but 1 betta bulb that is growing out of control! I have had this tank running for about 2 months now and before it I had a 20 gallon for about 7 months.
glad to see a great fish forum here!
here is a pic of my aquarium:
<a href="fish :: more plants picture by foreverandtheday - Photobucket" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="more plants"></a>