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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 2, 2015
Benton Harbor Michigan
Just a fish lover I have a fifty five gal. cichlid tank with a convict a parrot a red tailed shark an oscer and four other cichlids I am not sure the breed I do know that I have managed to mix soth American and African cichlids with great success. Something the fish expert at pets mart told me was impossible:fish2:
While they are small it might be possible but as they grow its a recipe for disaster. Not to mention their different water conditions.

Welcome to the forum though.

Just a fish lover I have a fifty five gal. cichlid tank with a convict a parrot a red tailed shark an oscer and four other cichlids I am not sure the breed I do know that I have managed to mix soth American and African cichlids with great success. Something the fish expert at pets mart told me was impossible:fish2:

Welcome to AA. (y)

Not sure I would say the mix is impossible but that it is not recommended as the cichlids from Africa need different water and diet requirements than the cichlids from S. America. So, depending on whether the fish you got have been tank raised or wild, you are not properly caring for one of the types when you keep them together. Can they live together? Yes, for a while, until the conditions effect the one type of fish that is not being cared for properly. If your goal is to keep your fish in the best possible conditions, I would suggest this is a bad mix of fish. Sorry. :(

Hope this helps explain things. (y)
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