High Tech Planted Questions

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aqua_chem said:
CO2 boosters don't affect co2 directly. They provide an alternate source of carbon for plants to utilize. CO2 is a better source of carbon in all cases. Excel (or whatever product you're using) can be used concurrently, but it's not only really advantageous if you're fighting hair algae or something of the sort.

Makes sense. In this case i have never had and injected CO2 into this tank which might be causing an issue also since im a high light setup....may have to bust out the PB tanks until i can get a 5# tank setup....DIY until the PB tanks though lol! This will at least give me some CO2 supplementation in the mean time.
You know...I wonder why I'm still subscribed to this thread...I don't really understand what you're talking about and no one answers my questions...
You know...I wonder why I'm still subscribed to this thread...I don't really understand what you're talking about and no one answers my questions...

Have patience. You are, after all, asking questions in someone else's thread.

Your need for CO2 is determined by your light levels, with high light demanding CO2. Your plant selection also dictates your need for CO2.
alia258 said:
You know...I wonder why I'm still subscribed to this thread...I don't really understand what you're talking about and no one answers my questions...

Your question about your sword was answered put root tabs near the roots of the plant because swords are heavy feeders.
Oh yeah, sorry I forget which threads are mine as I usually go to the subscribed threads. Im going to be putting an album up with pics of my melon sword. But now I'm not so sure it's a melon sword, because the baby leaves grow up green, not red. Can you help me identify it please? I really think my first assumption was wrong. It also seems to want to grow up and out of my tank, how do I prevent this? Can I cut it a certain way to make it grow shorter? (my mom keeps saying to cut it to the base, because that's what you do with plants that live in the air, but because we're talking about aquatic plants, I thought it'd be a good idea to ask)
So I can fire up a DIY CO2 now but is it worth it due to my tank size? Will i get much of a benefit from it?

Alia, as Aqua said, have patience. Typically it will take a while to get answers, specially if they are deviating from the original topic. We'll help you out as we can :)
Haha I just kinda kept talking, didn't I? I'm going to post a thread about that last thing and see what happens! Sorry to bother you ^^
alia258 said:
Haha I just kinda kept talking, didn't I? I'm going to post a thread about that last thing and see what happens! Sorry to bother you ^^

No worries, feel free to keep tagging along. These guys are providing a TON of great info that is helping / has helped me immensly. If it can help you too, awesome.
Awesome! Haha! Well I don't really need a CO2 thing, but the identity of my plant seems very off at the moment!
Now i have questions about my wisteria... My stems are growing in about three different sections. The very bottom (basically coming from the substrate) is new growth. right above the new leaves to about the top 2" of the stem is losing, or has lost, all its leaves, has no new growth, looks pretty barren overall. Now the top of the stems are all new growth. My question is if i should trim the middle section off and replant the new growth or just leave it for now?
So I can fire up a DIY CO2 now but is it worth it due to my tank size? Will i get much of a benefit from it?

It's mostly just not practical. On a tank that size you will need 6-10L of CO2 to get a good level of CO2, which will need to be replaced every other week, and is inconsistent, etc, etc. It's a good temporary fix. Paintball will be the same way. You'll probably go through a canister every few weeks/every week.
aqua_chem said:
It's mostly just not practical. On a tank that size you will need 6-10L of CO2 to get a good level of CO2, which will need to be replaced every other week, and is inconsistent, etc, etc. It's a good temporary fix. Paintball will be the same way. You'll probably go through a canister every few weeks/every week.

Well i'llthrow it on as a very temporary fix. The good news about the paintball tanks is i live about 2 min walk from a paintball field and can get free refills lol. My sticking point right now is that i don't really wantto drop $100 on a PB regulator if im just going to turn around and get a 5# setup. Doesn't feel economically smart to me...
Haha economics. When I'm selling GS cookies, all these people get into economical and political discussions with me! I'm only fifteen! I can't even vote! ^^
Haha economics. When I'm selling GS cookies, all these people get into economical and political discussions with me! I'm only fifteen! I can't even vote! ^^

Seriously. Just buy the cookies and move on people.

I've always though that with paintball setups. About $50 will get you the ASA valve, tubing, and diffuser, but then you need to get a tank and get it filled. $150 should be able to get a 5# setup, but why send more than half that on a temporary setup.
Isn't it just easier to buy a weekly dose thing? You guys sound like you're making this harder than need be, unless you have a reason for it or I missed something. ^^;;
alia258 said:
Isn't it just easier to buy a weekly dose thing? You guys sound like you're making this harder than need be, unless you have a reason for it or I missed something. ^^;;

My setup is actually requiring me to maintain a constantly elevated level of CO2 (30ppm right?). You can't maintain levels like that with a weekly or even daily dose of supplement, you need a constant running source. This is where a pressurized system comes in. Three different systems have been mentioned:
[*] DIY, no control over levels, runs out way to fast
[*] paintball tanks which are quite small, lots of refills
[*] 5 pound tanks which are considerably larger, fewer refills
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Ooooh! Yeah I missed some of that earlier! Thanks for explaining! ^^
Hey aqua could i just get some excel since its liquid CO2? lol j/k j/k!!!
Why don't you get that thing that periodically injects CO2 on a timer? I read abou it earlier on another post I believe. I you already went over this and I just missed it though, tell me! ^^
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