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I was wondering if this were possible? I read somewhere that co2 can't force oxygen out of the water, but I'd assume that they need something like low co2 levels.
I don't think hillies *need* low CO2. <They need high O2, but O2 content is independent of CO2 content.>
Most fish normally live in naturally low CO2 environment & they seem to be just fine in the CO2 injected plated tanks. <Not to say that hillies might not be an exception ... since I don't know of any reports of people keeping them in a high tech planted tank .... The high current requirment will make CO2 injection difficult ....>
But the high current requirement is to get the high O2. If your current don't cause any surface agitation, you won't get any O2 exchange, and I don't think the hillies will be happy in low O2 water even with a current.
A set up for high O2 exchange (eg a wet/dry) is going to out gas CO2 .... so it will be difficult to maintain any kind of a level. <Unless you have an O2 tank & inject O2 as well .... do that in heart-lung machines all the time --- can get any kind of O2 & CO2 levels you want ....>
If you use air in your diffuser, that is 80% nitrogen. nitrogen is already saturated in the water, so it will simply bubble up & cause surface turbulence. Also, O2 dissolves into water much slower than CO2, so your CO2 diffuser will not be too effective in getting O2 into the water from your air pump. Any way you slice it, running air into the tank like that will drop your CO2 level.
Day time, run in CO2 ... with enough plants under good light, the plants will be injecting O2 into the system .... you know the water is O2 saturated when the plants pearl.
Night time, turn off CO2, run an airstone to get surface O2 exchange.