Honey Gourami pale for months

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 29, 2021
I have had two male honey gourami as the feature fish in my tank for a few years. In January they were upgraded from a 40L to a 90L. Both were happy along with their 10 ember tetra tank mates and some little snails.

Around March on of the males lost his colour and stopped eating before dying a few weeks later. I think it was dropsy caused by the stress of some over feeding by someone while I was away for a couple of weeks.

Immediately after one died, the remaining one went very pale, almost white. I thought he’d caught whatever killed the other one but his behaviour remained normal.
Around the end of May I bought a female honey gourami in the hopes that a potential mate would encourage him to colour up a bit but he’s just stayed pale.

The female has bright colours and the other tank mates are all still happy in the 90L. Water changes are frequent and the water parameters are all fine according to the API water testing kit.

Any ideas on why my boy has lost his colours and/or how to encourage them to return?

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