Honey gourami sitting at bottom of tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 28, 2016
Hi there

I have a honey gourami that is sitting at the bottom. She still comes to the top for feeding but it looks like she has to swim a lot harder than the other gourami. I can see her tail moving quite a bit and then she gets tired and sinks to the bottom. Is there anything I can do? Hate to see her like this.

Sorry I forgot to put more details in. The water parameters are fine, I’ve had the tank for years and no problems. It’s tank mates are a couple of young angel fish, dwarf gouramis, platy and loaches. It is a 180L tank.
In my opinion you are over stocked (looking at your signature). What are your water parameter numbers? "fine" doesn't tell me much.

How old are the fish?
What are you feeding?
Water change schedule?
Aggression from other fish?
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