Hoping for help! - Black Listless Discus

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 14, 2005
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Hi Guys

My fiancee fed my discus today, and they all ate heartily.

9:00PM tonight, and he's barely able to swim, not upright and VERY lathargic. Also not eating, and Almost totally black.

I set up my inadequate 5Gallon Quarintine, and took my tiny little filter I always run for emergencies on my main tank and put it in the QT tank with a 100 watt heater. its 84*f.

I ran a bubbler into the filter outlet as well for airation.

Specs: Native PH: 8.3
PH (because of Co2): 7.6
Temp - 85
Nitrates - 5-10ppm
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
KH - 8 Degrees

Currently done:

5 gallon QT tank, Filter, Bubbler, heater. Set to 84 degrees.

Dosed with prazipro.
Also, maybe stupidly, Dosed with API Fungus Cure.

Should I take any next steps?

Also, Some background on this fish: I got both of my royal aqua's at the same time. One flourished and is amazing. This one seemed to have trouble growing. 3-4 months ago, I noticed stringy poop for the first time so I dosed Prazipro and the stringy poop went away.

he is a bit smaller than the others, and gets more than his fair share of picking on.

I have also added CO2 in the last week, wondering if that could be it. I've sinced knocked it down to 1 bubble per second, just in case. In the QT tank there's lots of airation and no CO2.
Dissipointed in lack of advice. I try and make a point of answering at least 1 or 2 unanswered posts when I log on.

If anyone cares, the fish is on the mend. Surprising - Generally I find when a Fish can't Swim, its a goner. Think I might have found my miracle treatment fix.
White stringy poop can be a sign of internal parasites. Of course discus are sensitive. You could try soaking his food in general cure and feeding him that. Glad he is doing better.
So, Yesterday, I put him back into the main tank. Today, He's still dark. and a White thing is coming OUT OF THE SIDE OF HIS HEAD.

Back into the QT tank he goes. I made the Prazi mixture a bit stronger this time, but I'm out of it now. Not removing him for another week at least.

There was coils of White (Solid white) poop in the bottom of the QT Tank. He's clearly got a very bad case of internal parisites. I'm disgusted that it'd come out through his BODY, not just poop. So gross.

Poor guy!
Is it worms? I think they r called hook worms I'm not sure tho so let's just say worms, you can acctually see them on the fish
Sorry missed the head part could be anchor worm look it up and see if it looks like that
Its gone now, it was bright white. very obvious on his black skin. He did have a few white worms pooped out when I started dosing the prazipro.

Died today. Last night he was on his side, I should have put him out of his misery. Today I regret it. He died sometime while I was at work.

Cause, I'm assuming is internal parasites, exhaustion. He was never 100% healthy from day one, but he went down hill quickly over the past 2 weeks.

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