how are my levels and how do I fix

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 1, 2005
I just bought a kit because my fishys arent looking good and from what I can tell I need some help.
high range pH 8.0
ammonia 0
nitrite .50
nitrate 80
I agree, some help is in order:

Do a 30-40% PWC immediately. Those parameters are deadly to fish.
Are you using a re-agent test? If not, I would suggest it...more accurate than strips.
You have goldfish combined with tropicals?? Not exactly a good idea. Goldies and tropicals do not share the same environment in nature, certainly not in your tank.
how long has your tank been set up? How did you cyle it? I know you can reduce the nitrite and nitrate levels by doing a Partial Water change. You might want to do one every day or every other day to get the nitrite's down because that's toxic to fish. Not sure about the ph though, my pH always stays at about 7.5 and i don't every mess with it.
I agree with Jchillin - do a water change ASAP to brink the parameters back town to tolerable levels.

Then, I'd trade in the goldfish or move them to their own 20 gal tank. They are the culprit behind your high nitrite and nitrate - they produce so much waste, that your bacterial colony is overloaded. With the goldies gone, you can also put in a heater and keep the tankk at 78 - 80o F, which most tropical fish require to stay healthy.
Everything that was stated before is perfect advice. Your pH is kind of high, but it's not really a problem until you get to the mid to upper 8's. You could put a piece of driftwood in your tank to lower it naturally.
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