How Bright is too Bright for Moonlights?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 6, 2011
Thanks to some members on this form I have finally gotten some moonlight's for my 90 gallon planted tank. So I will get straight to the point, I have 4 parts to this "moonlight" (12 inch sections, with 15 LEDs each). Last night I tried them for the first time. My original plan was to use 2 sections of the LEDs on the tank and then use the other 2 on another tank but 2 sections on the 90 gallon isn't very bright.
I know it will be hard for you guys to tell me but is using all 4 strips on one tank too much light? Should I be able to see the tank clearly with the moon lights or should it be quite dark?
My opinion with moonlights is "dim is best". You should just barely be able to see action in your tank when the room is mostly dark.
I agree. I like mine to be just light enough to kind of act as night for the fish so they can get around. It's more for them, not me. It still looks cool tho just having a glow in the tank.
Thank you both very much! I will just put 2 strips on each tank. Thanks again for your time!
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