Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Hi everyone. I am having trouble getting my calcium level above 360-380. My PH is 7.8-8.0, Nitrate 0, nitrite 0, ammonia 0, phosphate 0, carbonate hardness 11. I have added Kent marine 2 part calcium supplement daily and also the probuffer my kent marine. That did not get it above 380. I tried, on my last PWC, Caribsea, RO re-mineralizer Aragamite. I use RO/DI water and only have a condy anemone i just added, and live rock with a couple of sea rods. I don't have corals where it would be using an abundant amount of calcium. Does anyone have any ideas on why I can't get my calcium level over 400? I would like to get in in the 420-450 range so I can add some corals. Thanks.