How do I get rid of bubble algae?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I only have 3 bubbles of the stuff, but they have grown pretty big. They are about the size of a small marble. When they were smaller, I purchased 2 emerald crabs, they didn't eat the algae, so I added 2 more. The bubble algae is still there. I tried to pull them off the rock, but it seems like it will pop rather than pull off the rock. If that happens, I understand that my problem will only get worse. 2 of the bubbles are kind of embedded into some deep cracks. I am not sure if I should just leave them there or what. The good part is they are starting to get encrusted in choraline, and are becoming camaflagued in purple. I guess, if it isn't a problem I will just leave them there.
Thanks :lol:
use a small diameter hose to siphon the area as you pull the bubbles off the rock, then if they burst the spores will be removed from the aquarium rather than float around it ;)
You always have the answers. Thanks a ton! I am about to do a water change and will give it a try as I am removing water.

BTW, all the advice that you have given me in the past or I have read that you have given others has always worked. Now if you can let me know where to get large pepermint shrimp, I can loose the aips too. I am not having the best luck with the Joe's juice.

Steve :D
't help with the peps, never used them, the one I had got acclimated too quickly and died, haven't tried one since.
From what I've heard pepermints will handle smaller aips but not 100% of the time. I just got a small pep for my moms nano reef and it hasn't touched them. I'd try the joe's juice again, from what others say it supposed to work wonders. You can also try injecting lemon juice into them or smear kalk on them. These methods are not always 100% successful but may work for you.
The Joe's Juice that I used worked instantly. Just put it as close the aip as possible without touching it and pump the sucker. Doesn't take much, they gobble it up and shrivel away. I actually had more in the syringe than I needed. If you still have some left in the bottle, you might as well try it.

For the shrimp- make sure you've got peppermints and not camel backs. I've got 2 or 3 smaller ones and 1 or 2 larger ones and I haven't seen any aips (beside the two larger ones I nuked) since.

Confirm for yourself that you do have aips. Sounds like you've tried all the right things. Hope you get 'em.
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