how do you use an air-pump?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 5, 2008
I was thinking of setting up a small air-pump to my 55 gallon tank. I don't know anything about them, other than the fact that they bring bubbles up in the aquarium. I guess I heard it is good with air for fish. What do I need to get to make one work? And what ideas, or things have you tried, or done with one. I could use some help. I am quite new at this.
well you need an air pump, some air line, then either an airstone(or bubble bar/wand) or a sponge filter. They both move water around just the sponge is also a filter
The idea of the airpump is that it blows bubbles through the water thus rippling the water surface & improving gas exchange. You don't really need it if you have a good enough filter for the tank (esp. if you adjust it to make ripples). However, some people like the look of the bubbles .... and there is no such thing as too much air to breath.

So all you need to do is get an airpump & connect it to something that will make bubbles - you can get airstones in various shapes & sizes .... depending on the look you want to achieve.

You can also use an airpump to drive a small sponge filter (or a UGF), but that is really not that applicable in a 55 gal.

BTW - if you were to shop for an airpump, make sure you get a good one. The cheap ones are really LOUD and gets annoying fast.
I also like the idea of installing a check valve in the air line if the air pump is located below the level of the water line. If the power goes out, it prevents the water from siphoning out of the tank and killing your air pump. I plumbed my airpump to push air into both of my tanks at the same time. I put the pump in the basement and ran long air lines to each tank. This keeps the pump away from the living space where people can hear it.
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