How long do ferts last?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 20, 2003
I have a bottle of Seachem Flourish that I got about a year and a half ago. I opened it back then but ceased using it because I had a low light and being the newbie that I was thought ferts would make my plants grow :oops: I gues s it did help them a little but it also caused a lot of algae. Now I have a medium light tank and am going to start adding some flourish. I'm going to start with small doses and work my way up. I'm won't be adding CO2 either.

So, is this stuff still good or do I need to go out and buy a new bottle. Oh, and I didn't refridgerate this after I opened it either.
I'd replace it. since it was exposed to air, hard to say how much it oxidized or evaporated over 12 months.
The question of Seachem Flourish and it's longevity was addressed by Gregory Morin, Ph.D., President/CEO, Seachem Laboratories, Inc. on the APD in May 2003.

Here's the excerpt:

Question: Due to my parsimonious nature, my bottles are actually years old. Does Flourish have a shelf life?

Dr. Morin: Well, yes and no. You probably wouldn't get the full benefit of the vitamins if you had a 10 year old bottle, but we formulate it to remain stable for the duration of the typical retail distribution cycle (i.e.3-5 years max depending on conditions). This is a very popular product so I doubt you'd find anything older than a year out there at the most.

Question: Does it have to be refridgerated? I am too scared my Flourish will end up in a steak marinade, so I have never chilled them. (Although I too could probably benefit from some trace elements)

Dr. Morin: It does not have to be refrigerated, although that will of course helps its longevity. If it has never been opened it does not require refrigeration. Once opened there is a very, very small possibility of mold growing, thus that is why we recommend refrigeration... although we've considered removing this from the label as it results in more questions about it then an any actual cases of mold growth (personally I'm not aware of any).
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