how long does it take for fish to heal without medications.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 27, 2005
If you keep fish in perfect water conditions (and don't use medications), how long would it take for damaged fins to grow back ??

a few of my cories has torn fins and tail because my gourami was nipping at it.

I have since removed the gourami.
i suggest u do medicate getten biten by other fish is sorta like humans gettin bitten by dogs...most ppl wouldnt just wait for a wound like that to heal by itself...sepcially since there is a chance of an infection.... but there hanst been an infection....i really dont know how long it will take for natural correction
they will hear naturally... fish have immune systems just like people... but it will take longer. THere is no telling how long though.. and of course the problem you run into is possible secondary infection. How ever if it is just a few tattered fins i wouldn't worry about it as much as if it were an open wound. like you bubblebloy, i would probably just let the fins heal on their own. Melafix would help prevent any infection, but i would probably be more worried if it were an open cut wound or ulcer.
It takes about...a month or two to fully grow back from my personal experience(but really depends on the wound and how big it is) but like everyone else said, they can be prone to infection.
I have some melafix and pimafix.

before I use it, are any fish sensitive to it ??
It depends on the fish' immune system and general health, but most scrapes and fin damage will heal in a few weeks. Just as Neosporin and the like promote healing in human tissues, melafix and pimafix seem to promote healing in fish.

The key is to keep the water pristine - no amount of medication will compensate for dirty water. In addition to using melafix and/or pimafix, I would recommend doing 10 - 20% water changes DAILY until the wound is pretty much healed.

Your question about fish sensitivity to melafix and pimafix is a good one that alot of people don't think to ask. The answer is yes, anabantoids (gouramis and bettas) seem to be sensitive to the plant extracts in both meds. It apparently irritates their labrynth organs. If you have anabantoids present, you should use melafix at 1/5 the normal strength.
Your question about fish sensitivity to melafix and pimafix is a good one that alot of people don't think to ask. The answer is yes, anabantoids (gouramis and bettas) seem to be sensitive to the plant extracts in both meds. It apparently irritates their labrynth organs. If you have anabantoids present, you should use melafix at 1/5 the normal strength.

what about catfish and loaches ??
I have cories and kuhli loaches in the tank
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