How long will plants survive without proper lighting?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 9, 2011
This will never happen with me, but I just was curious how long it would take them to die with basic lighting.
Depends on what type of plants.

Most won't last long, but some lowlight varieties can stay healthy for quite awhile.

I know this because I forgot java fern in a bowl under my tank for months, and it stayed alive. I have other examples.
Agreed with mudraker... some plants are hardy and can survive for weeks or even a couple months without proper lighting. More sensitive plants would start to show signs of deficiency in less than a week.
My plants are just starting to die, and I have had them in there for over 6 months now... Guess it is time to purchase that new T5HO setup!
What kind of plants do you have? You may also need to fertilize or think about excel or co2.
how long would it take for cabomba to die? I have T5HO lighting, i just want to know what would happen if I didn't
Cabomba would start to show signs of lighting deficiency after a couple weeks. It doesn't last long in low light.
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