how many guppies can i have in a 40 gallon long?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
How many guppies can i have in a 40 gallon long? Also my guppies are breeding like crazy. I am going to put the guppies in the tank, so mum or dad guppy, can eat them.
You should watch this:
I do not know if I want to sell guppies, seems like a lot of work. The fish that I have, and every week.. I have to change the water. I would like to make a profit but it seems hard to do. Thanks for the video. I will have to watch out how many guppies Are in my fish tank.
I do not know if I want to sell guppies, seems like a lot of work. The fish that I have, and every week.. I have to change the water. I would like to make a profit but it seems hard to do. Thanks for the video. I will have to watch out how many guppies Are in my fish tank.
Speaking as someone who has bred many species of fish for profit, " If it were easy, everybody would be doing it" ;) ;)
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