How many Watts per gallon?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2004
I'm sure this has been discussed before. I tried searching for the answer but came up with over 1,000 results and it was impossible to go through all of them. Anyways. In regards to heaters, what is the ratio between Watts and Gallons of water? I just want to make sure I have adequate heating in the 150 gal tank.
Yes, that looks like more than enough. The heaters are keeping the water steady at 87 degrees or so for your ich treatment, right?

Larger bodies of water hold heat better than a small one. So as you increase in tank size, especially for your large tank, the 5 watt per gallon rule doesn't hold exactly true anymore. What brand of heaters do you have? I have seen slightly different charts on different brand's websites.
The temp isn't at 87 yet. We are gradually increasing the temp. By tomorrow it should be at 87. Aquarium Systems heaters.
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