Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I just bought two spoon fulls of Blackworms from my local LFS. I bought them so my Blue Lobster had something to eat, other then my Tetras fins. They told me that i could dump the whole two scoop fulls into the tank, and it will be alright. But it seems like a lot of food to be putting in there all at once. But he said they would just go down to the bottom and live until they get scavanged by the Lobster, or other fish. So is this true?
I have a 39 Gallon tall tank. WHich has been very consistent with good perameters, and i dont want to mess that up by making one wrong move.
I have a 39 Gallon tall tank. WHich has been very consistent with good perameters, and i dont want to mess that up by making one wrong move.