How to clean water

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Anellydevan504 said:
Should I change my water because of its Cloudy water

It depends how long your tank has been setup for.

Cloudy water is perfectly normal for new tank setups and generally clears on its own.

Some info about size, occupants, current water parameters etc would help us to know how to best direct you.

New tanks less than 2months old can have cloudy water due to bacterial blooms but there are other causes of cloudy tanks which is why some more info would help.

Anellydevan504 said:
I had About two week to a 1 month maybe

Thanks for the vast amount of information you provided.

How many fish do you have?
What fish are they?
What size is your tank?
Have you got any testing kits to test your tank water?
How often do you perform water changes?

Try to answer all of the questions above please.

Anellydevan504 said:
All I ask if I can change my water

I understand that and I'm trying to find out whether your cloudy water is a bacterial bloom or not.

With most new tanks and new fish keepers comes a very steep learning curve.

If you have fish in your tank within 2-4weeks then the chances are that your tank is not cycled and as such you may have high levels of Ammonia and/or Nitrite which are very poisonous to fish.
These levels can spike causing fish death if not handled properly.

Without basic information of your tank it's hard to help you for sure.

With new tanks that have fish almost straight away comes a lot of hard work.

Water changes on new tanks should generally be performed if Ammonia or Nitrite rise above 0.25ppm. If you don't have a way of testing for these then I would suggest performing 50% water changes every other day until you can get yourself API FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT.

This way it is as least stressful to your fish as it can be.

A fully cycled tank tests zero ammonia zero nitrite and 20ppm or less nitrates.

In short to your question yes water changes will help to reduce the cloudy water.


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