how to keep nitrate level 0 at all time?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 26, 2002
been adding live bacteria, nitrate controller and etc.....but nitrate still high!! how to maintain 0?

Tell us a little more about your tank:
1) What size?
2) How long has it been set up?
3) what type of Filtration are you using?
4) Tank inhabitants?
5) Any Live Rock in the tank?
6) Any live sand?
7) Do you use a protien skimmer?
about my tank

tank size is 36 by 18 by 18 inch, setup since 1st jan 2003, using overflow system , biohome,coralchips and ceramic,

1) 2 flame goby
2) 1 baby yellow trevally
3) 1medium size blue face angel (3inch)
4) 1 purple anthias
5) 1 gramma
6) 1 baby emperor angel
7) 1 medium size purple tang
8) 1 clown fish
9) 1 small blue tang

30kg of live rocks
red sea protein skimmer
do not know what 'live sand' is but bought and use 2 bag of sand

ph- 8.0
calcium 400mg/l
nitrate - 50mg/l(high)

please advised
1) 2 flame goby
2) 1 baby yellow trevally
3) 1medium size blue face angel (3inch)
4) 1 purple anthias
5) 1 gramma
6) 1 baby emperor angel
7) 1 medium size purple tang
8 ) 1 clown fish
9) 1 small blue tang

Well, Even with a DSB and More LR, I don't see how you'll maintain 0 nitrates with that much fishload in a 50g tank. The tank, IMO, is way overstocked.

1) The bioballs in the filter are a nitrate factory...
2) The fishload is causing alot of waste...

If this were my tank, I would remove the tangs (IMO, they shouldn't be kept in tanks less than 48" in length) and both angels (all 4 will get way to big for your tank anyway). Once those fish are removed, you can slowly remove the bioballs from your filter (provided you have 1-1.5 lbs of LR per gallon. Make sure you are using RO/DI water for top off and for water changes. Until then, you can do frequent water changes using RO/DI water to help lower the nitrates.
(The solution to pollution is dilution)

That is a lot of fish. :eek:

I have also used de-nitrating powder and have stopped. It works for approx. 1 day and then it is right back to normal..Not to metion, it will clog up the filter...Is de-nitrating powder yeast? It sure smells like it.. I really want to know more about de-nitrating a tank also...All I have heard of other than additives is 50' or more of clear tubing coiled up and tank water folwing through at a slow enough rate that the oxygen get completely used up and nitrate dies off and the cleaned water flow back into the tank...does this sound right? C'mon experienced people, inquiring minds want to know.....

Hey timbo2, the above link isn't exactly what you were asking for...but I think it answers your question though. Another tool for maintaining low nitrates is a refugium with plenty of Live Sand and caulerpa or halemida or sea grass. The flora allows you to export the nutrients everytime you prune.
Cool, I read the article and it does help. I am thinking of starting a small refugium to hopefully get some of the caulerpa and whatnot..I think it would be a good idea. I am also looking into purchasing a good protien skimmer to go in the sump...

Thank you
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